Sunday, 28 April 2013

Dessert - Berliners

Hello Artists!
Berliners is a cake that I always liked and had the curiosity of make them myself. Thus, as in almost all sweets and dishes that do, I researched several recipes and made one of my own, based on what I found.
I made some mistakes, but that's what trying is all about: it was bad, try to be better next time.
Here is what you'll need:

  • 500g flour
  • 30g Baker's Yeast
  • 150g of sugar
  • 200ml milk
  • 120g butter
  • Zest of Lemon / Orange
  • 3 eggs
  • Salt qs

- Start by dissolving the salt and yeast in warm milk (no need to boil it is better to discard the yeast with the hand so you have to hold the temperature of milk);
- In a bowl mix the flour with the sugar and lemon's zest (or orange one);
- Make a hole in flour and add the milk slowly, stirring constantly with the hand;
- Add the eggs, stirring constantly;
- Once thoroughly mixed the dough, add the melted butter;
- Knead everything well enough to give mass to shape (if it is too watery, go adding flour gradually until you can shape the dough, without it getting too rigid);
- Once kneaded, let the dough rest in the bowl, covering with a cloth and a blanket for half an hour, to grow;

While waiting for the dough, make one portion of "Egg's Jam" (I'm really sorry, I don't know how to call this) to fill the Berliners.

- After growing, stretch the dough on a table or countertop dusted with flour with the aid of a roller, leaving it with about 0.5 to 1 cm thick;
- With the aid of a glass or large cup (the size of the cut will be the size of the Berliners); cut the dough, kneading and stretching the remain over and over again, repeating the procedure until you've used all the dough;
- Let the slices rest a little in order to grow a bit more;
- Fry the slices in hot oil (not too much to be able to fry evenly balls) until they reach the color you want (at this stage the slices should swell forming the balls.) Turn the balls systematically in order to fry both sides;
- Remove from oil and drain on kitchen paper;
- Once cool, sprinkle with sugar (and cinnamon if you like) and with the help of a scissor, open the Berliners and fill with the egg jam.

Hope you like them as much as I did.
Give me your feedback when you try it!

Good Adventures!

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